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Cradle of Filth #3 and #5, Con Appearances, and More!

Cradle of Filth: Maledictus Atheneaum #3 is in comic book shops now, as well as available in the store. This is my narrative interpretation of Cradle of Filth's "Bathory Aria" from the classic album Cruelty and the Beast. I am joined by joined by Hugo Award winning illustrator Abigail Larson and cover artists Santi Casas (premium), Meghan Hetrick (Cover A), Daniel Maine (Cover B), and Matthew Skiff and Richard Force (Cover C). See the cover below, but you can order the comic in my shop and at publisher Incendium/Opus (along with the first two issues) here. I have limited quantities of Covers A, B, and C, and more of the premium edition. so plan accordingly.

I have two upcoming signing appearances:, one of which includes panel discussions with other creators (some topics more serious than others):

1. CONtraflow X - October 7-9, 2022 at the Airport Hilton in Kenner, LA. More information here.

Panel Schedule:

Jocks vs. Geeks! Friday, 4pm, Panel Room 3

Dangerous Women, Saturday, 1pm, Event Two

Creating Your Own Comic, Worth it or not? Saturday, 6pm, Panel Room 1

All the Presents are Opened, Saturday, 9pm, Event Two

Is the MCU Dying?, Saturday, 10pm, Panel Room 1

Writing Horror, Sunday, 1pm, Event Two

2. Showcase Comic Con 6 - October 22-23, 2022 at the Harbor Center in Slidell, LA. More information here.

Work continues apace on the film adaptation of Tad Caldwell and the Monster Kid. I saw a teaser trailer recently and it looks fantastic. I am also writing a sequel to the original graphic novel. It takes place two years later. Nathan is dealing with the trauma of nearly being killed and has taken to the airwaves as a pirate radio host. It should be out sometime next year.

I will be returning to the world of Cradle of Filth in November with the fifth issue of Maledictus Athenaeum from Incendium/Opus. This time, I will be splitting the narrative with Holly Interlandi to tell the story of Lilith, as depicted in Cradle of Filth's classic Darkly, Darkly Venus Aversa. Menton3 will be painting the interiors.

Recent interviews have been uploaded to the Media page. There are a few new podcast interviews and reviews.

For those who don't have it yet, stock on The 69 Eyes: Helsinki Vampires #1 is very low. If you want one, get it now. Plans are afoot for an eventual reprint, but there may be a gap between printings. Also, Dead Souls: Resurrection is still available in the store and at Amazon and Comixology, along with t-shirts, stickers, and buttons. Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support. You can find me online at:



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