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Comic Book Writing 101, The Curse of Venus Aversa, Fangtasia IV, and 69 Eyes #3

Greetings all,

First, Cradle of Filth: The Curse of Venus Aversa finally went to press. It will be shipping in a few weeks, published by my own imprint, Dark Notes Press. Thank you all for your patience. I'm getting caught up on all of the change-of-address requests, and the Skype calls with Dani Filth and myself some of your pledged for will resume soon. The Dani Filth voodoo dolls and the t-shirts and work shirts will all ship when the comic goes out. As usual, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want a live status update.

Second, my comic book writing course, Comic Book Writing 101, will return on Thursday, April 10 at BSI Comics in Metairie, located here. It begins at 6:00 p.m. and runs for about three hours, with breaks. Advance tickets are strongly recommended, and you can get them at Eventbrite​.

Third, my annual vampire ball Fangtasia will be back this May 17th at One Eyed Jacks here in New Orleans. This is my yearly event co-produced by myself and Jyrki 69 of The 69 Eyes. Jyrki's side-project The 69 Cats will be performing along with NOLA's own Clockwork Elvis. There will be DJs, burlesque dancers, and the release of the third issue of The 69 Eyes: Helsiniki Vampires! Yes, the comic will finally be out! Tickets are available through Ticketweb.

Sorry for the long stretch between updates. Pics for everything below!

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