69 Eyes: Helsinki Vampires #1 Sold Out and Other News
The 69 Eyes: Helsinki Vampires #1 is sold out, unfortunately. Plans are afoot for an eventual reprint, but it may be a while. Thank you...

Cradle of Filth #5 Available in Shop. Last Copies of 69 Eyes #1 Available.
I obtained a few copies of Cradle of Filth: Maledictus Atheneaum #5, which was released in comic book shops in November from Incendium....

Cradle of Filth #3 and #5, Con Appearances, and More!
Cradle of Filth: Maledictus Atheneaum #3 is in comic book shops now, as well as available in the store. This is my narrative...

July 2022 Updates
Recent interviews have been uploaded to the Media page. There are a few new podcast interviews and reviews. Apologies for the lengthy...

God be praised. I am victorious.
Dead Souls: Resurrection is out. It's out now. You can order it from me or from Amazon. The Comixology version will be available...

Update on Dead Souls: Resurrection Delay
Dead Souls: Resurrection was scheduled to come out the day after tomorrow, both online and in bookstores worldwide, and as an ebook. The...